Friday, August 12, 2011

Teenage Sex Commerce Price

Teenage Sex Commerce

[Berita2.Com] Sex as a business also goes to school. They even set their own rate.

In Bogor, high school working girl displayed themselves at street side and hotels. In a short-time service, they’re paid 300.000 rupiah.

One of those girls, Dewi (16 years old) admitted she and her friends do that job willingly.

She uses the money for some guilty pleasures. Money to burn is her and her friend’s primary goal.

DD, a madam that also an employee of a hotel in Bogor confirmed about that high school sex business does exist.

The bad thing is, those students are willingly giving their service without protection.

The head of Social Rehabilitation of Bogor said student working girls is hard to be root out. They made some sweepings-four times to be exact-and got 75 prostitutes at 17-50 years of age.

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